Ett traditionellt holländskt 30-talshus
En varsam renovering av ett traditionellt holländskt 30-talshus. Laura och James har renoverat en traditionell villa från trettiotalet med hållbarhetstänk och omtanke om husets själ. Valet föll på armaturer från Ifö Electric på flera ställen.
” In 2019 we bought a traditional Dutch jaren 30 house. It’s last proper renovation dated from the seventies, for 50 years the house was the same. A lot of work needed to be done, we decided to renovate it as sustainable as possible, according to the following keywords: authentic (respect for the traditional elements), isolation, all electric and natural materials. Each choice we had to made, we checked our keywords. To stay true to the authentic details was very important for us, we don’t follow trends, but invest in products that suit the style of our house, so we can keep them for many many years. Therefor we also chose the Ifö lights. A traditional product, made with craftmanship and a good look and feel matching with all the other traditional elements, for example our tiles, sockets and stained glass.”
Se mer hos @lauraenjames