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En lysande idé

The ScanStar-jury motivation to the award is:

“The “Bright idea” is a packaging that makes it possible to transport heavy and brittle products together. In this case, it is a lamp consisting of a heavy ceramic socket and a crisp glass. When the jury took a first look at this solution the impression was that it was “nothing special” but with a closer look there was a change. It is a very simple solution, but a solution that solves several problems. The customer used to have ten pack sizes, with this solution three is enough. The packaging has a very rigid construction with “slot-in” inserts that divides it into sections. One other novelty is that the packages are packed lying down next each other in the transport box, avoiding a lot of stress. The result is a cost saving solution with less damages of the products transported and a better sustainability profile.”

Som ett led i vår produktutveckling har vi tittat på våra emballage och gjort ett stort arbete med att successivt byta ut våra förpackningar. Tillsammans med Smurfit Kappa har vi kommit fram till en lösning som inte bara ger en förbättrad kvalité som vi hoppas skall ge oss färre transportskador, utan som också ger en långsiktig besparing och en förenkling vid packning. En så pass bra lösning att Smurfit Kappa ville skriva om det i sin egen tidning.